Need help to stay focused? Try these 4 things…!

01 Sep 2021 20:53:04

Focus, such a powerful word, yet so difficult to practice. Isn’t it? Has this ever happened to you? You sat down for work, with full energy and wanted to start working ASAP but you saw a notification on your phone and lost your half an hour just like that? I can get you, staying focused for too long can be a daunting task at times, but you have no option but to get done with the work right? If you need help in staying focused, then this article is just for you. Read it till the end to get the best value.

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Try these 4 things to stay more focused. These are actionable ways, so you don’t need to any sort of fancy stuff :

1. Minimize your distractions: Since the time these mobile phones came into our hands, we sort of forgot how it used to be when we used to stay focused on our work. Now even if we try, these constant notifications, messages, whatsapp forwards try their best to kill our focus. So what to do? Mute your notifications. Trust me it works like wonders. If you mute them, and check only when it is needed you are saving atleast 3-4 hours of yours that you randomly waste on scrolling on these social apps. Mute these notifications, or atleast keep these notifications on silent when you are studying, if you can’t mute them for 24 hours. This is one hack helping so many students and working professionals to save their precious time.

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2. Take out time for yourself, “Me Time” : This really helps to relax and calm your mind. In this Me Time, do not scroll mindlessly. Go for Digital free Me Time. In this half an hour or one hour, do something that you really like. Like reading books, talking to your friend, cooking or something which will not involve screen time. This will help you to focus in a better way when you will sit down for your studies or work after the Me time break. The golden rule is “No Screen Time”

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3. Get enough sleep: Now think about it. This may sound basic, but when you get enough sleep, you tend to function better, and this helps you to get better at focusing on your priority tasks. So always make sure that you are getting enough sleep. And when I talk about enough I necessarily mean having a good quality sleep. Work on your sleep quality and you will see the change.

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4. Make actionable To-Do list: You have to make an actionable To-Do list because a basic To-Do list won’t work. So divide your To-Do list in three parts. Must do, Might do and Not-to-do. This will help you to priorotize your tasks. And you will focus only on those tasks which are your priority. So Making actionable To-Do list always works.

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Focus is not an issue, the issue is distraction, the issue is not convincing our minds to focus on the right thing, the issue is taking things lightly and then cribbing about it later. So better work on these things, Above 4 points will help you to do that.And eventually you will get better at this.

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