A video posted on the internet showed a Sikh man, among Afghan Sikhs and Hindus being evacuated, saying that they were taking the flight, after waiting for almost 3 months. The man said that 102 Afghan Sikhs and Hindus were being evacuated to New Delhi. This group includes women and children. It will also bring with it 3 Guru Granth Sahibs and Hindu religious texts from ancient Asamai Mandir in Kabul.
The charter flight will take back almost 90 Afghan nationals. Most of these had come to India for medical treatment, and were stranded after Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. It is also expected to carry medical supplies which are a part of the humanitarian aid offered by India to Afghanistan.
The last commercial flight from Indian side on the Kabul-Delhi route was operated by Air India on August 15 - the day Taliban took over Kabul. 100s of Indian nationals were evacuated on special Indian Air Force flights during August. India also withdrew its ambassador and all other staff from the mission in Kabul, and effectively closing the embassy for the second time since 1996.