Hello friends! How are you? Are you all preparing for Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan? Today we are giving you the chance to become a Vigyan Doot! Don’t know what that is? Well, keep on reading to find out! And if you haven’t registered for Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan yet, then here is the link to register today!
Vigyan Doot is a person who will help more students to participate in this competition!
Exciting isn’t it? Here’s what will happen -
You will receive a special Social Media Kit from us. You will be able to invite your friends and colleagues who haven’t yet registered for the competition and viola! You will become a Vigyan Doot! What more? This will also benefit you in the upcoming rounds and different experiments in the competition!
Here’s what you will be doing -
1.You will receive a Social Media Kit from us containing a DP (Display Picture) and Frame for your Facebook account; you can use either of these things.
2. You will also use this DP for your Instagram as well as WhatsApp accounts.
3. Then you will tag two of friends or their parents in your DP and send us the screenshot of the same.
Easy peasy, isn’t it? Just in three simple steps you will reach many more students like you and make them a part of this competition!
So, all our wonderful Vigyan Doots, Keep preparing for Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan!