Every girl must live alone / away from her family at least once in her life

30 Oct 2020 14:36:15

In today’s times, there are many youngsters leaving their homes for the sake of education or job. While it feels sad, it is also a learning experience and it contributes a lot to one’s personality development. Have you ever experienced the taste of freedom and independence in your life? And when I talk about freedom I certainly do not mean by doing whatever you feel even if it is bad for you, without telling about it to your family. When I talk about freedom I talk about financial independence, I talk about taking your own decisions in your own way, I am talking about failing because of the wrong decisions and then getting up again. You can only feel it when you stay alone or away from your family at least once in your lifetime. You need to come out of your comfort zone, you need to learn how to fight and survive in the outer world because trust me no one, I repeat no one can protect you from the world but you yourself.

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So That’s why I feel every girl out there must live alone / away from her family once in her lifetime. Now I am being girl-specific here, because in today's day and time also there are some families that don’t allow their girls to take up that one opportunity, just because she is a girl and can not manage alone. I want to clear this myth right here right now. Anyone can manage themselves, and if they can’t they must learn.

So here are a few points because of which I feel that in your 20’s you must come out of your comfort zone and live an independent life, at least for once.

1. It teaches you about life and people: When you live with your family, in your own cocoon you are pampered, your family sometimes tolerate your tantrums and fulfil all your wishes. But everyone would not do the same for you. There are many girls who are princesses in their home, facing lot many troubles in girls hostel and PGs, but I feel that is important because you won’t learn about the people, about their nature, about how to trust or not to trust someone until you are living with the people who love you the most. In this journey, you will meet ‘N’ no of people. Some will be amazing, but some will try to take advantage of your nice nature, your innocence. Living in a hostel or PG will teach you a lot about life and people in general. You will come to know what kind of people you want in your life. You will understand the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. So to understand about people, living away from family because of Education or Job always helps.

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2. You understand the real value of your ‘Family’: Your family will love you no matter what. Your parents will scold you for not keeping your things in place, and for laying all the time in bed, and will be mad at you if you do not behave properly, but at the end they will come and pamper you, cuddle with you and love you because they genuinely care for you. But many times we take it for granted, We know that they are always there. We behave rudely, we forget our manners sometimes in front of those who taught us everything about manners. We take their love granted. But the moment you leave your home, your parents and family behind, you understand the value of them. When you live alone and your office people behave mean with you, they backstab you and you return to an empty house. It makes you miss your family more, it genuinely makes you understand how much your family is important for you and then you come closer to your family. When in PG your roommates fight with you and do not even care about how terribly hurt you are, you realise that your siblings never did that with you, you realise their love a bit more than ever. You realise their value. That’s why it is sometimes important to take that one opportunity, stay alone or with random roommates and understand the real value of your family.

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3. You become more independent: It is super easy to stay at home and things are getting done automatically by your parents, siblings, house staff or others. You never realise how difficult it is to manage your expenses in a fixed salary. You never realise how it is difficult to multitask. To keep on thinking about if the maid has come or not, if the groceries are enough or not, if the bills are being paid on time or not. Once you start living alone you have to take care of everything by yourself. You become more self-dependent, more self-sufficient. You do not need anyone to pay your wifi bills or to bring the groceries. You will be more concerned about the “Ata daal” and “Aalo Pyaj” rather than the random “Candy bars” and "Snacky chips” when you go to the supermarket. You will become a multitasker and manage everything on your own. And that is super important for your future. Because there is nothing like being an “Independent Individual”.

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4. You realise how it is important to plan your finances wisely: When you live alone or away from family If you are doing a job you should not ask a single penny from your parents unless it is something urgent, or if you are a student you can’t ask for more money every single week, because you don’t know how your parents are managing your extra expenses. When you are living with a family you don’t realise that money management is a tough job, it can get exhausting. Without even thinking many times make many demands to our parents, without realising that it costs money and maybe it is not that important expense. So when you live alone you taste the flavour of broken bank account, and you learn to manage in less. You learn about why savings are important how it is done. You learn to manage your finances well, and if you don’t learn, it can cause you a lot of pain. So to understand the finances living away from your family always helps you.

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So I am not asking you to leave your house just like that, just for the sake of living alone without any purpose. Have a purpose. Have some goals in front of your eyes and in your mind, so that you will be able to bear all that comes with the freedom of living alone or away from family. It can look fascinating from outside, It may be seen super shiny that how taking your own decisions, and doing whatever you want to do is amazing, but always remember it comes with a lot of responsibility. So yes living away from your family will be really helpful for your personality development, it will help in improving your temperamental or egoistic nature, it will help you in your overall growth.

Taste this independence at least once in your life, even after a lot of suffering or pain you will love this journey of your own growth and you won’t regret it.

- Niharika Pole Sarwate


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